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It’s award season in the blogging world and a time to celebrate the truly amazing talented bloggers out there!

mads 2016

Blogging is pretty special, not just because it is a way of getting your voice out there, but also because it introduces you to an amazing community that all look out for each other.

I started blogging as a means to release some of the extreme stress being experienced during Callum’s fight, diagnosis and now ongoing treatment. It was a way of stopping me becoming depressed.

But, it became so very much more!

I’ve made some very special friends that I hold very dear to me, and now help share the journey we are on, giving me confidence and supporting me when I need it most.

I’m so grateful to the blogging world, they are the extra family you never realised you needed, until you have a really tough day, log on to your social media, and become immersed in a whole new world.

There are so many amazing blogs out there to choose from so this selection was tough!

My nominations go to:

So there you have it, my selection of blogs that I would love to see you consider too for the MADs!


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